Originally, we had played this song live as a transition before we released our first EP, except we only had the first minute of it. This song marked an interesting turn in our writing style. While most of our songs at the time for guitar had one of us playing a rhythm part and the other playing leads, Jeff decided to counter the arpeggio pattern Joe came up with one of his own. We also decided to let Zack take the forefront allowing the drums to be very busy. A lot of our older songs were very guitar-driven, but from this point, we started putting more emphasis on drumming and having the bass carry the low end on its own. What is strange about all this is that it was before we even listened to the band Toe, who would become a huge influence on us for these very reasons. Anyway, Joe needed one more part to complete the song, and he came up with a more traditional post-rock sounding section that started quiet and gradually builds into the songs climax where every goes crazy, and he just plays chords. This instantly became one of our favourite live songs – we can’t remember the last time we didn’t play it. Oh and there’s no vocals, we thought about it, but didn’t feel anything worth putting over. Enjoy!
Track 7: Solaris