When we began pre-production for the album we only had eight songs confirmed with the last two up for grabs. We had a lot of in-progress songs where we experimented with rhythmic riffs and more math-rock inspired melodies, but after showing our producer Kenny, he didn’t really feel they fit the direction established with the other songs. He encouraged us to go back to our roots and explore something more atmospheric and moody. Using this as my benchmark, Joe took the harmonic ideas to one of our works and altered it in style and feel. Originally, Joe just had this song in mind as a transition with a repeating vocal line and melody. He didn’t want the song to explode and go distorted like most of the other songs but instead, wanted to build it with layers as the song progressed. We sent the live off the floor demo to Kenny and it was exactly what we had in mind musically, he just encouraged us to write more lyrics. Originally the section from 1:55 to the end was supposed to be only delay noise, but when we went to record it, Kenny was hearing all these melodies he wanted to try; the more we added, the more ideas came to mind. The delay noise is still there, but the vocals take the forefront and end up turning this song into a full out piece. Side-note: the ending noise is Jeff’s favourite noise on the album and I’m pretty sure every one of us contributed a lyric or lyrical idea to this song. Hope you enjoy!