We originally called this song “My Name Is Franco” (MNIF), named after a good friend and strong supporter of everyone in the band. We would use that line to practice the melodies to the song before Jeff and Zack came up with the words “Find Your Way Back/I Can’t Pretend…”. We had the album name “Far From Home” in mind before it became this song’s title as we felt it summarized the overall themes and concepts of the songs and the cover art idea Joe came up with. For those same reasons, MNIF would be the closing track on the album – well that and some of the transition ideas we had between certain songs. The conception of this song was a bit strange, Joe had a lot of riffs he was trying to string together. We jammed it once, recorded it and it felt good, but it was hard to recreate in other jams. Since I was so torn with direction we put off to the side for a long time. One day, many months later, Zack was going through old recordings on his phone and he was like, “Yo, why don’t we play this anymore?”. We listened and were puzzled – because we really liked it. We decided to take a more straight forward approach, and Joe let his band mates control the direction of the song a bit more which worked out for the best.
Track 10: Far From Home